Company name | 검증 카지노 Corporation |
Established on | October 19, 1907 |
Registered main office | 1-1 Sakae-machi, 이케다 시티, 오사카 563-0056 |
Head office | 1-16-1 시바타, 키타쿠, 오사카 시티 530-8389 |
Tokyo General Management Office (Tokyo Branch) | 17th floor, Toho Hibiya Building, 1-2-2 유라쿠-초, 지요다-ku, Tokyo 100-0006 |
Capital | 100 million yen (as of March 31, 2015) |
Started rail transport service on | March 10, 1910 |
Railway operating kilometers | 143.6km (including Type II Railway Business) |
Main businesses | As one of the core operating companies of Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc., we operate the following businesses. |